Happtique App

Visual Design, Interaction Design, IA, User Research

Happtique is a platform that allows health professionals to discover and share apps with their patients; as well as review the data generated by the patients using the apps. In this project I was tasked with improving the user experience of the web portal that the health providers used to send apps to their patients.

When I re-designed the app discovery screen I added an area for recommended apps to be displayed. I also introduced a categorical listing in a left column. The search bar was made larger and more prominent at the top of the page.

A major change that I wanted to make to the experience was to remove the wizard, which assumed that users would always be sending multiple apps. This hunch was later confirmed through feedback from beta testers. Instead, apps are shared one at a time.

Clicking on an app launches a modal that contains the app's description, rating and price. From this modal the user can send the app to a patient by entering their name and clicking the share button.